Piper's Mutter

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Happy Birthday to Ma

In honor of my mom's birthday today, I wanted to write a few words about her. I had a really nice childhood, and have amazing memories of my mom when I was growing up...things like her making fruit leather in the back yard , making special birthday cakes each year for our birthdays, giving me my first home perm so that I could look like "Annie", bringing me and my sister to NYC to the Cabbage Patch Kid store, making biscotti, Thanksgivings with cheesy potatoes, smocking beautiful dresses, getting me Tigger!!!!! My mom is an amazing person. She is strong, courageous, beautiful, inspiring and a wonderful Nana. Since I became a mother in April, I have a new outlook both on life and on being a mother. I never realized how much work went into being a great mother. I am sorry for being a cranky teenager and for ever being rude to my mom (those damn teenage years), as I know my mom was always on my side. My mom has said that I wasn't that bad, but of course she would say that, she's my mother. One of the most wonderful moments in my life was when I called my mom from the hospital right after I gave birth telling her "Mom, I had a little girl". I am so very lucky to have her as my mom and for my daughter to have her as her Nana. Happy Birthday Ma!!!


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