Piper's Mutter

Friday, November 16, 2007

Monkey Day!

Not quite sure!
Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
Piper's second Halloween, she was much more active than the first one. Last year, we made it to 2 houses before she fell asleep. This year, she atempted to go off on her own! As our favorite word she says is monkey and she loves Curious George, we decided on the monkey costume. It took weeks to get her to even try it on. Brian was able to convince her that it was a coat that she needed to put on before we went out for the night. We saw many neighbors who were kind enough to let Brian pick out his favorite candy bars. Piper ended up with a tootsie pop, and seemed to enjoy it. Wonder what next Halloween will bring.......we will have the new little Hendu by then! Trick or Treat!


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