Piper's Mutter

Friday, February 23, 2007

The first Haircut! Not yet!

Originally uploaded by emma_tula.
Piper's hair sure has gotten long...it's over her eyes, if its combed all the way. It also hangs over her ears, but I love it! Several people have said she needs a haircut, but I refuse! Piper doesn't seem to mind the wacky hair, and I refuse to cut her beautiful locks. I am not sure what my resistance is, but it's pretty stong. So for now, we are content with waiting....it's everone else we have to worry about (as you can see from the picture) tee-hee

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Heart Day

Piper e
Originally uploaded by emma_tula.
I love every picture of Piper, but this is one of my favorites! I am so lucky to have been a part of making such an amazing being. Here's to you Miss Piper! Happy Heart Day!