Piper's Mutter

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Yea for celebrations!

Yesterday, there was a graduation celebration at Piper and Maysie's daycare. Piper's class learned the hokey pokey song and "You are my sunshine". After a couple weeks of practicing, many of the kids got stage fright when the curtain opened and they saw their parents. Piper was very nervous, but she did so great. Maysie was able to participate too, just by being there and looking cute! I never would have thought a couple years ago that I would be sneaking out of work to go snap some pictures at a daycare celebration for my kids.....what a wonderful day.

Monday, June 16, 2008

First Dip in the pool for Maysie

Maysie Piper
On our recent trip to Florida, Maysie took her first dip in the pool. It seemed like a day a couple years ago, with Piper. Boy, how time flies. Maysie loved the water, and didn't seem to mind it at all. Piper was the same way. I can't get enough of my little peanuts.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

The WONDERFUL Nana hold

When Piper was a couple months old, we went to Martha's Vineyard for a family vacation. I was a new momma, still learning different ways to soothe my little one. My mom, AKA Nana, put Piper is this position, that is now referred to as the Nana hold. Piper calmed down instantly and fell right to sleep. Brian and I used the Nana hold tons to help soothe Piper over the years. Now with our new daughter, Maysie, once again we have been soothing her with the Nana hold. Here are a couple pictures over the years. Thanks again Nana.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Family BBQ

Family BBQ
Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
We had a BBQ at our house with my parent's and my in-laws. It was nice getting everyone together to enjoy the little ones. Piper has a blast, running around in her red glitter shoes and Maysie loved to be held by her Nana and Grammy.
Sangria- $25
beer- $10
chips- $5
grilled meat- $25
salads- $10
cake- $5
Family together- priceless!

Here's to many more family get togethers!