Piper's Mutter

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Vineyard Bound

We spent Memorial Day weekend on Martha's Vineyard, at my grandparents cottage. This is the 32nd year that they have owned a place out there, but the first time they are unable to make it out there. Both my grandparents have had some health problems, but we are all hopeful that they will be feeling better soon! We love you Mimi and Poppy! Brian, the ladies, and I met my folks out there and enjoyed the time. We feasted on apple fritters from the Back Door Bakery, coconut coffee (YUMMY), ice cream from Ben and Bills, and lots of goodies on the grill. The best part.......Maysie laughed out loud! What a wonderful sound. Here's to Maysie and many more firsts!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Waiting for Mommy

Looking out
Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
The other day when I went to pick up Piper at daycare, I opened the followed another parent into her room. All the kids ran towards the door like a herd of cattle looking to see if it was their mom or dad at the door. I could see Piper looking with such hope in her eyes, wishing to see me. And she did.....she yelled "MOMMY"! It was the sweetest thing and also a bit sad, as I imagined her doing this when all the other parents came before me, just hoping I would be one of them. I love my job, but I love them so much more, so it's very tough some days to leave them. That's my rant for the day. I am off to get Piper and Maysie!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

Running to Nana
Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
What a special day I had. Brian surprised me with some flowers and a decaf white chocolate mocha from Starbucks in the mornings.....perfect! My mom and dad came down and my mom brought me a fresh picked bouquet of lily of the valley.....very sweet. We went to Boston Common for a Make Way for Ducklings parade! Piper and Maysie both had matching yellow outfits on, looking sweeter than ever. We met up with the family of one of Piper's friends. The weather was perfect! I am so lucky to have such a wonderful family!